Khristina Chess

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Books You’ll Devour If You Liked Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover

Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover is one of those heart-wrenching summer romance books that keeps you breathless until the very end. I loved it.

To set your expectations properly for this list, I like YA authors who focus on the kissing—and everything that leads up to the kissing—because a lot happens right there. There’s so much buildup for that first kiss. With a good first romance, by the time characters reach that point, you’re humming with tension and screaming, Kiss her already!!!

Here are my personal recommendations for some dreamy YA books that you’ll devour if you liked Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover.

I hope you find something that catches your interest.

Drive to June by Khristina Chess

“You do realize that a car is a mobile make-out location, right?” Ian said. ― Khristina Chess, quote from Drive to June.

Although pitched as a story about alcohol abuse and grief, this YA is also a romantic story about a dating and intimacy. The present story line is a relationship that develops between the protagonist, 18-year-old Adriana, and a pizza delivery boy who goes to her school and who offers to help her get her driver’s license.

With her father traveling so much and her older sister away in college, no one knows Adriana has been guzzling her dead mother's extensive wine collection. She drinks to forget something awful that she did; she drinks to go numb. To avoid her grief. And now she can't seem to stop. Since moving to this new school, she doesn't have close friends or teachers, so there's nothing to stop her free-fall.

But then one night, Ian spots her on the roof and makes an offer she can’t refuse. He comes into her life, and everything begins to change.

Wow, what a ride! Drive to June took off from the start and accelerated all the way to the finish. I had to find out Adriana’s secret. What makes this book so special is the sweet relationship that develops between Adriana and Ian as he teaches her how to drive and helps her get her driver’s license. Although it starts as a story about alcohol abuse, this is a dreamy and hopeful YA novel with heart.

If you’re a fan of romance, you want to add this one to your list of books like Heart Bones. In fact, Khristina Chess has written several awesome YA books. She’s on my list of Best YA Authors to Binge on Kindle Unlimited because she has so many titles to choose from!

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

“I just can’t believe that life would give us to each other,” he said, “and then take it back.”
“I can,” she said. “Life’s a bastard.” ― Rainbow Rowell, quote from
Eleanor and Park

It's been a long time since I've encountered a novel that I literally couldn't put down. Eleanor & Park was one of those books. I loved every minute. I sat on the porch, on the couch, on the floor by the window... and devoured this book. It was a wonderful reading experience about first love. Sweet and heartbreaking and everything I wanted. I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes a good, romantic young love story.

The story unfolds from alternating points of view, both Eleanor and Park, as they fall in love over the course of one year. The dialog is witty, snappy, and fun.

As a super-dreamy YA book about about dating and intimacy, it will give you all the feels. If you liked Heart Bones, you will love this one.

Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer (Box Set)

“About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn’t know how potent that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.” ― Stephanie Meyer, quote from Twilight

Oh. My. Gosh.

Twilight was my introduction to YA as an adult reader, and I remember plowing through these novels at a breakneck pace. They’re part love stories, part vampire and werewolf fantasy world, and just full of all the great emotions. At one point I contacted my friend who’d recommended the series and asked, “When do they finally have sex?!” By this point I felt as frustrated about the situation with Edward as Bella.

“It’s young adult,” she said. “Remember?”


For readers who have never read them or even those who read them a decade ago, these books are highly addicting, binge-worthy, can’t-put-down, and worth another look. There’s a reason millions of people loved them, watched all the movies, and bought posters.

You’ll devour this series if you liked Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover. The passion between Bella and Edward sizzles on the pages of every book. Even more, there is a love triangle between Bella, Edward, and Jacob in the middle books that turns up the heat.

My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick

“His bed’s really comfortable. And he never pees in it.” ― Huntley Fitzpatrick, quote from My Life Next Door

This adorable YA love story is compelling and has an unexpected ending. Everything about the messy Garrett house draws Samantha into it, but especially the good-looking son, Jase. He’s one of several children in the house. His little brother, George, has some of the best lines. I laughed out loud. The sneaking around teen love stuff was pretty wonderful. Samantha’s best friend is a jerk, and her sister is too. No wonder she’s so drawn to the loving family next door.

Samantha is keeping this relationship with Jase a secret from her mom and everyone else in her life, but eventually that blows up in her face. In the process, she learns some lessons about who she is and who she wants to be.

This dreamy YA book will leave you smiling for days. It evokes all those light feelings of happiness, joy, and romantic love. You just can’t help sighing about that first kiss. You can’t wait for Samantha and Jase to take their relationship to the next level, and your heart breaks when things get rocky. This is such a sweet story. So cute! Fans of Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover will be up all night reading it.

Hollow Beauty by Khristina Chess

“I wondered what it would feel like if he rolled over and kissed me. Would I feel that panicked need to escape that I always felt when Brody kissed me? When I thought about kissing Ross, I felt nothing but excitement.” ― Khristina Chess, quote from Hollow Beauty

This dreamy YA romantic love triangle will appeal to fans of Heart Bones as well. Olivia has a date with tall, gorgeous Brody to the prom, and she’s super ecstatic about that--until he suggests that she use the two months before the dance to lose some weight.

But how thin is thin enough?

Body's comment sends Olivia on a spiral of dangerously rapid weight loss that borders on anorexia. As her pounds vanish, her friendship deepens with Ross, the new prep cook at the diner where she works. Despite his mysterious limp, he doesn't suffer crippling low self-esteem issues like she does; she can't even look at herself in the mirror anymore. The only time she doesn't feel ugly or fat is when she goes riding dirt bikes and cave-hunting with Ross.

In fact, she’d rather be kissing Ross than Brody.

Holy cow! Buckle up for a fast read because Hollow Beauty hooked me from the beginning. What makes this book special is the realistic portrayal of how Olivia falls into the self-esteem trap of trying to change herself for someone else. I worried about her. I loved seeing her journey and choices as the events escalated toward the story’s climax. It’s a great positive message. This is the kind of authentic novel that really shows how someone with even a little insecurity can be manipulated and hurt.

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han

“I want to say yes, but I don't want to be with a boy whose heart belongs to somebody else. Just once, I want to be somebody else's first choice.” ― Jenny Han, quote from To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before

Lara Jean is a super sweet adorable character, and even though the story seems like a common love triangle, there are enough twists to keep the pages turning. Plus, Lara Jean herself is such a star. She’s naive and on her own for the first time, and she’s making all kinds of mistakes. She’s basically a train wreck. I love her immensely. Two plot points surprised me, and I thought I had those wrapped up early on.

I didn’t expect to like this book as much as I did, but I finished it in two sittings. Now I see why everyone’s been reading it! :-)

If you’re the last person on the planet to miss this one, you must go and read this book. Fans of Heart Bones will love this one (and it’s a series).

Breathless by Jennifer Niven

“All these words and stories. My mom calls them the color of a human life: those little moments that are so uniquely ours.” ― Jennifer Niven, quote from Breathless

I might love this book even more than Niven’s All the Bright Places—and that's saying a lot!

Breathless is the story of Claude's trip to a remote island off the coast of Georgia after graduation with her mom following the sudden separation of her parents. She meets a boy and falls in love. So simple. Yet Jennifer Niven beautifully captures that lovely, breathless feeling of first love. Passionate kisses. Romantic trysts. Mosquito bites on sunburned skin.

There is so much growing up packed into this brief summer for Claude. She learns that parents have secrets and tell lies. She and her lifelong best friend grow apart even as they prepare to truly separate for fall college classes. And she has this deep relationship with Miah on the island that changes her in fundamental ways.

Breathless is the perfect beach read for your summer reading list. In fact, Jennifer Niven is also on my list of Best YA Authors to Binge on Kindle Unlimited, so you might want to check out some of these others, too.

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord

Tweet Cute is a sweet YA romance told in alternating viewpoints of two teens who are engaged in a Twitter war for their family businesses. In a case of hidden identities, Pepper and Jack also are involved in a secret budding relationship through an app that conceals their identity from one another. What could possibly go wrong?


I loved all of the food in the book, and the world from Pepper's point of view felt very real to me. She has never left beyond the general radius of her NY apartment, and the adventure of getting on a train for her college interview seemed big and important. I could also get a real sense of Jack's neighborhood and the deli and its patrons. Both teens had very rich character development.

As a romantic novel, I had bigger expectations when the couple finally got together. It didn't feel quite as satisfying in that aspect as it might have been. Still, a great read, and I definitely recommend it as a YA book about dating that might appeal to fans of Heart Bones.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

“But it is the nature of stars to cross, and never was Shakespeare more wrong than when he has Cassius note, ‘The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars / But in ourselves.” ― John Green, quote from The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars is the ultimate YA book about star-crossed lovers. Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace are two teens with cancer, and they fall in love during a sweet time of remission. They talk about literature and philosophy, and they go on a wonderful journey to meet the author of Hazel’s favorite novel. This person is not at all what she expected—a huge disappointment, as a matter of fact—but then, life happens that way.

When the inevitable plot turn comes and twists the knife in your heart, it doesn’t matter that you’re expecting it. Augustus and Hazel are supposed to be together, so every bittersweet moment of their parting is a gasp. Every breath counts. Every syllable.

If you’re looking for the sweetest, most dreamy and romantic book, pick up this classic. If you read it a long time ago, it’s just as good the second time around. Trust me.

Other Books You’ll Devour If You Liked Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover

If you are looking for other books like Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover, Goodreads also offers a great book list: Readers Who Enjoyed Heart Bones. You might also be interested in my post, Other Good Reads, which has a comprehensive list of book reviews.

See this gallery in the original post

Do you have any personal favorites to recommend to me? I’m always looking for another great read in this category.

Khristina Chess is the award-winning author of several YA novels about troubled teens turning corners. You can find her on Amazon, Goodreads, and Twitter as an active daily contributor in the #5amwritersclub.